miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

My Favourite Get-Away

Hello everyone, on this day I’m going to talk about my favourite get-away. Since I was a little girl, I've always liked to visit my house in my field. At first I liked to go because I played all day, I also was during all the day with various farm animals such as horses, chickens, cows, sheeps, pigs and it was something that I really loved. Besides I felt that I was free in that place. When I was growing up, and I did not play all day, but I enjoy stay in a place looking at the beautiful nature that is there and that made me forget everything, that really made feel relaxed and made me have a break from all the stress of Santiago. And until today, I love going to the field, because it is my get-away place, I think that it is wonderful, relaxing, very quiet, and there are many people I love.

This place is in the VIII region of Chile; the village is called Trupan, and is from Los Angeles going to the mountains. Trupan is a small town; in number of population is about 2000 people.

There also have pine plantations, where I love to go for a walk.

Near my house there is a river called "La junta" which in summer is filled with people going to cool off and swim. The village also has a pond full of ducks and swans, where we always go to the dock that is there.

After this it is clear that is my favourite place. God willing, I'll be there Saturday to celebrate the 18 September.