jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

Techology in the University

Five thousand years ago with the invention of writing the human race took its first jump towards a technological civilization in today's world; Technology is constantly changing and advancing at the speed of light. It is impressive to think that only a few decades ago cell phones didn’t exist, people used to communicate by phone or by other ways like letters or messages. Now cell phones are considered almost outdated. In our days we have blackberries, i-phones, etc. Now almost all the information is in the web. All the useful websites, images, programs are on the Internet.

One of things that offer technology, through computer is get information that you need for study, do a work for university. In the Universidad de Chile, know that people have access to technology, for that all information with respect to marks of exams or information with subjects, upload to internet in page of university, called "aula digital".
This is the most important in my university life, because all that I must to know is in internet, therefore technology is all in my university life.
Other thing that offer the technology is can discover new things, in my case, last year I used a lot of the microscope in Histology subject, to see our body tissues, this university has the best technology, my teachers tell me that I must to take advantage all that offer me the technology that give me university.
In this year I had to use several tecnological objects, monitors that show me echography,stethoscope, but the most important is the polygraph, which is used to measure physiological changes in rate pressure, heart rate, breathing and skin conductance.

when I came university I discovered the meaning of technology in the life of students, really is the key tool to render an optimal way in university, because give you all that you need, like information about essays, experiments, scientific studies and in all possible languages, giving information obtained in different parts of the world forming networks that serve you in your college life, but in my case the most important is that gives me the chance to see the vital signs of patients, discovering diseases and may well help people in the area of health, specifically women and newborns.

lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

My next trip...

Hi everybody! Today I would like to talk about the country that I have always wanted to visit, and that country is Italy, because I think that is a really wonderful place in Europe, one of the best in my opinion, I mean there’s a lot of historic places, also a lot of monuments, squares, restaurants, etc. And well it is obvius that I would like to travel friends so we can enjoy all the entertainment and fashion of Italy together.
Well what I know about Italy is that, people there is very
Añadir imagenpolite and friendly, also there in Italy the food is amazing (it’s one of my reasons to go there), and as I already said there I’d like to visit all the monuments, squares, museums, and restaurants as posible.
And well I just have to say that I would like to go there but only for holidays, because for me is better to visit this kind of places, that to live there because in my opinion you enjoy it a lot more that being living there and make for example the colliseum a normal thing.

Finally, I would like to go there because since I was a little girl my life had been related to this country because my mother’s family are coming from there, and we have some Italian traditions that we do on my grandpa’s place and on my own that I would like to live there because there is where they born, for example the way we share the dinners and the music.

domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010

The films of my life...

Hello, on this occasion I will talk about movies and how they affect my life. The types of films that I like to watch are romantic comedies, because they generally have a happy ending, and during the movie, there is love and laughter; what entertains me much.
I love watching movies in my house, lying in my bed and resting. But the first time I've seen the movie and when I can and I'm not tired, I like to see in the cinema, as the picture and audio quality is better.

I like the American and British films, I think it is because the movie career for quality, also have a variety of frames from which to choose what to see. Contrary to what happens with Chilean films. I think that Chilean films always have the same screen, tend to have love problems and sex scenes are the predominant, for that reason I rarely see Chilean films.

Usually, I see many movies, but very few remember the name, many of them have left me pondering and thinking for a few days, remember them "Slumdog Millionaire." It is a film with a strong social reality, where people who suffer are children; they must live things and difficult situations that usually do not realize or see in our daily lives, but unfortunately is present in many parts of the world.

lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010


“A young child’s brain can only manage to learn one language at a time”
"The myth that one has first to speak well one’s native language before learning a second language is counteracted by the studies showing that children who master two languages understand the structure of each language better and apply them in a more conscious way. Therefore, multilingualism helps foster other competences related to language. These positive effects are clearest when the second language is acquired early; a multilingual education does not lead to a delay in development. Sometimes, very young children may confuse languages but unless there is a defect in acquisition, this phenomenon later disappears".

In reading the myth immediately remembered my cousins kids, which since the birth of her parents have spoken in English and Spanish and since has 6 years beginning with a bilingual kindergarten, and then enter the school "the newland school”, where English is learned principled rather than the same Spanish. Today they speak both languages perfectly. On the other hand, I remembered a friend, the daughter of Chilean parents, but lives in France, from childhood was in contact with both languages, so now both easily mastered according to the need you have. None of these three people that I took as an example, have problems with neurological development or language, by contrast, are people who are doing excellent in school and healthy.

In the case of any confusion in relation to languages, the best example of me, because when I was a child attending a school where they teach us Italian, then I move to town, and began attending a school where he taught German, and returning to Santiago, I came to a school where he taught English, and at home they speak Spanish, therefore, with so many changes, I could never master one, and that confused me from the start.

After these examples, I can be sure that I completely disagree with the myth, I even think that learning more languages, helps develop more our brains and skills.

martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

Stress: "Fight or Flee"

Hello! In this day I talk about stress, this is an internal state or condition that creates an imbalance the individual psychological for results internal environmental factors, organization where you work or the people around you.
Feelings of stress are caused by the body's instinct to defend it self. This instinct is good in emergencies. Any sort of change can make you feel stressed, even good change. It's not just the change or event itself, but also how you react to it that matters. What's stressful is different for each person. But stress can cause unhealthy physical symptoms if it goes on for too long, such as in response to life's daily challenges and changes. This can make you feel anxious, afraid, worried and uptight. Other symptoms are: Irritability, hair falls, bruxism, tachicardia, fatigue, irregular sleep, irritable colon,
back pain, headaches, High blood pressure, Problems with relationships and others.
The stress it affects principally
: workers, schoolchildren and university students, school teachers, bus drivers, secretaries, businessmen, and all those people who have to meet short-term goals.
The first step is to learn to recognize when you're feeling stressed. Early warning signs of stress include tension in your shoulders and neck.
The next step is to choose a way to deal with your stress. One way is to avoid the event or thing that leads to your stress--but often this is not possible. A second way is to change how you react to stress. This is often the more practical way.
According to the principle of "fight or flee" and I chose fight against stress, and you?

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

Healthy Lifestyle

Hello everybody, in this occasion I talk about healthy lifestyle. Personally I think that depends on each, the desire we have to live a healthy lifestyle and health awareness that we have in our mind. That's why I'm sure it's possible to have a healthy life in these times, I believe that now gives more than before by the consciousness that we have today.To have a healthy life, it is necessary to take care of the physical and mental health through healthy eating and physical activity. Food should be: low in fat, carbohydrates, vegetables and fruit, lean meats, lots of fluids, a little salt and sugar. And physical exercise to take effect must be at least three times a week.

I try to live a healthy life, exercising at least three times a week, I go twice a week in yoga and when I can go to the gym in the week. On the other hand try to eat as healthy as possible when I can.
I believe that to have a healthy life, does not affect where I go on holiday and the clothes I wear.
If I had to choose a holiday "healthy", I probably would go for a walk Excursion to “Torres del Paine”, with clothing and equipment suitable for the climate that there is.
The truth is that I would love a healthy life, as described above, but many times the force of will not allow it, but I have always in mind that one's health is the key to a healthy and happy life.

miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

My Favourite Get-Away

Hello everyone, on this day I’m going to talk about my favourite get-away. Since I was a little girl, I've always liked to visit my house in my field. At first I liked to go because I played all day, I also was during all the day with various farm animals such as horses, chickens, cows, sheeps, pigs and it was something that I really loved. Besides I felt that I was free in that place. When I was growing up, and I did not play all day, but I enjoy stay in a place looking at the beautiful nature that is there and that made me forget everything, that really made feel relaxed and made me have a break from all the stress of Santiago. And until today, I love going to the field, because it is my get-away place, I think that it is wonderful, relaxing, very quiet, and there are many people I love.

This place is in the VIII region of Chile; the village is called Trupan, and is from Los Angeles going to the mountains. Trupan is a small town; in number of population is about 2000 people.

There also have pine plantations, where I love to go for a walk.

Near my house there is a river called "La junta" which in summer is filled with people going to cool off and swim. The village also has a pond full of ducks and swans, where we always go to the dock that is there.

After this it is clear that is my favourite place. God willing, I'll be there Saturday to celebrate the 18 September.

lunes, 23 de agosto de 2010


Hello everybody, in this occasion I will talk about music. Personally, I often listen music to relax me, to be happy, or to distract me from the routine, almost I always hear music when I get from the university to my home, or in the subway when I go to university, or before going out at night, or when I'm doing something that does not require much concentration on my part, but usually I don’t listen music when I studying because I feel that I do not learn and I am tuning out.

I like all kind of music, but my favorite is Dance music, some examples of groups I like are: Taio Cruz, David Gueta, Tiesto, RIO, Jay Sean, MGMT, Tinchy Stryder, these are some of the groups or singers I like; but there are many songs of other kind of music that I like.

In general, I always hear the same kind of music because it is the one I have on my computer, but when I'm sad, I listen to joyful music to be better. When I want to rest, I listen quiet music to relax and be calm.
Many times, the music for me is a company, especially in times when I am alone. But sometimes I get bored a lot of music, especially when I feel very tired, with a headache, or after having been in a noisy place. But despite that, I love listening to music, especially when I'm alone, when I’m in my way to the university, and I wake up again, I am more cheerful and ready to pay attention.

See you in a next time!.

jueves, 1 de julio de 2010

Blog: 9

Hello!!!... As a last blog of this semester, write about my blogging experience. I personally believe that this activity has helped me a lot to learn more English. When I have to go writing about stories, experiences, views and thoughts made me relate my everyday language with English continuously.

Although I took over much translators and support of the teacher, I feel that my questions relate to the answers. I did learn more grammar and vocabulary for the day to day. What more I learned with this activity is to give my opinion. In general, it became easier to write the blogs because the topics were very interesting. But what made me harder it is to conjugate verbs.

On the other hand I think the blog is an activity distinct from the usual in general education. This activity is more relaxed, more entertaining and free. Also allows us to get to know our fellow students, knowing what they think about a subject, knowing what they want for their future careers, and knowing how it relates to my opinions.

In conclusion, I feel that this activity is very rewarding to learn English, allowing us to reinforce the thinking in English, vocabulary, reading, and above all to express our opinions.

I just hope this will keep repeating for the Following courses, since it is a more entertaining way to learn English.

See you next semester.

jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

Blog: 8

Hello everybody, on this day I'm going to talk about my ideal job. My ideal job would be one that reconciles my personal time and family with the needs of my patients. To start I would like work in the public sector; because I know that there could help many people and women in need and the best way I can. Helping people most in need, is one of my purposes working; considered "ideal job". On the other hand, the ideal would be to work in the private sector as I have always wanted. But keep the work in the public sector to meet one of my purposes. The ideal place to work would be a hospital or have my private office and assisting the pregnant women during all the gestation process; if possible, near my house. I would like to work assisting in the delivery process and assisting the newborns in the area of neonatology; because they are areas of my career that I most like. Moreover, would be ideal to work in another area that I have always liked, this is in vitro fertilization; so I can help families that are unable to have children.

For me my future family is the most important, therefore, I would like to have time to spend with them. I want to share every birthday, Christmas, New Year, special moments always with them, and I don’t want to miss those moments for my work. For this, my ideal work schedule is one that leaves me time to spend with them.

In conclusion, my ideal job is one that makes me happy and I can live in peace… doing what I like.

jueves, 17 de junio de 2010

Blog: 7 "My life"

Hello! In this day I will tell you my life. It all started when my parents were married in 1983. After having two male children, they wanted to have a daughter. After a few years my mother became pregnant, as I have, knowing that was a little girl, were very excited. On march 12 in 1990, at 5:25 p.m. I was born. I named Andrea honor and memory of my aunt who had died about a year ago, since then my name is Andrea Josefina Aranda Pellegrini.

After a year and four months, my sister Maria Ignacia was born from that moment she became my best friend and accomplice.

In total there are four brothers: the first is called Sebastian and he is 26 years old, is an industrial engineer. The second is called Felipe and he is 22 years old, he studied civil engineering works, then I come with 20 years old, and finally Maria Ignacia and she is 19 years old, she wants to be anthropology.

Besides them, I live with my two parents and a dog.

My mother's name is Cecilia Pellegrini and works as a public relations company, and my Father is called Claudio Aranda, he has a landscaping company called "Entorno Verde". They are 27 years of marriage.

And finally, my dog is named Diego, and is the most intelligent and cute dog in the world. It is a Maltese.

When I was three, I went with my family to live for a time in Los Angeles, Chile. I remember that time very happy and very entertaining as a moment of my life. For the six years I returned to live in Santiago. But lives is too stressful Santiago, but in my twenty years of age get used to.

I was in four colleges, but I was never expelled from any, but it was for city or preferences change. But the one I remember and which I left is Colegio Santa Catalina de Siena (only women). This is where I met my current friends, and best friends.

Finally, in 2008 I took the PSU, so immediately I went to study at the Universidad de Chile, to the career midwifery.

This was a short summary of my life. But I can tell I love my family and my life. I have the most beautiful and entertaining family I could have had.

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

Blog: 6

Hello, in today's blog I'm going to talk about prevention and education in my career and in my future profession.

Is important to know that trough education the prevention is possible, because the known risks, benefits, techniques, research... I can take care, preventing any problems that may befall.

There are many possible health topics for use in education, which are related to my career are, for example: Maternity, first aid, contraceptive methods, pregnancy, chronic diseases, prevention of many diseases including cancer, HIV, STDs, hypertension, diabetes, among others.

The education can be done using many techniques; personal or group: through medical consultations, meetings, group discussions, group support networks… The health education is for all risk groups, which can carry any health problem; therefore they need in addition to education, prevention. On the other hand it is also for people interested in health topics. Then the kind of people that need education and prevention covers most of the population: women, men, children, adults, seniors, teens, teenagers, married, single, and other.

Personally I would like to teach the subject of breastfeeding, maternity and newborn care, because I find interesting and often necessary for mothers for the first time.

Undoubtedly, education in health is a subject that needs much support in our country, to prevent many problems affecting our population, for that, health professionals, we must work hard.


jueves, 3 de junio de 2010

Blog: 5

Hello! In this occasion I will talk about the role of gender in health care. To start, I think where fewer gender differences at work is in the area of health, all share the same level of responsibility. Both men and women are responsible in the same way the health care of patients.

If we talk about salary, I think there are no gender differences, probably in the Administrative already. But among the health professionals there are not. I do believe that salaries are going according to studies and role within the health center.

The same goes when talking about the kind of patients, I think there aren’t significant differences in general; but the kind of patients between doctors if it depends on the specialty. For example, men prefer to be checked by male urologists; however, many women prefer to be checked by female gynaecologist. On the other hand, men prefer to be checked by men and women prefer to be checked by women as something that usually happens. On that side if there are gender differences.

Where there are gender differences between men and women in the area of health is in relation to professional development, For example, there are medical specialties that require a long time, so we see that there are more men than women because women exercise that should take care of the children many times, and by studying the number of years often do not choose this.

Finally there are professions in the health area that are focused more to women, for example, nurses or midwifery. The number of men studying is very low.

Personally, I prefer to be checked by a female nurse or midwife.

jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010

Blog: 4

Hello everybody, As a future midewife have many projects, to start I would like work in the public sector; I would like to work assisting in the delivery process and assisting the newborns in the area of neonatology I can have more experience; then, when I have more experience, I would like to work in the private sector, or have my private office and assisting the pregnant women during old the gestation process.

I certainly would like to specialize in neonatology and delivery, because they are areas of my career that I most like. On the other hand I would like to go outside of Chile to study and take courses that complement my career, one of the things that I would also like to specialize in in vitro fertilization and I being one of the best in this area for to help families that unable to have children.

For me my future family is the most important, therefore, I would like to have time to spend with them. I want to share every birthday, Christmas, New Year, special moments always with them, and I don’t want to miss those moments for my work. That is why at the time of having my family, I want a schedule compatible with my family life; by now I do not mind the schedule, I do not mind working on shifts, or not come home.

Finally, I hope to be the best midwife.

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

Blog: 3

Hello everybody, I want to tell you which my favorite subject. Well my favorite subject this semester is “Fisiología obstetrica”, I think this subject is one of the most important of my career, through it we have seen how babies develop and what changes does this on the mother, essential to develop in the future as midwife.

This subject requires dedication, concentration, and study, thus to obtain a permanent learning.

Personally, I find it easy to take attention. It is very interesting content, well I know the content will help me; but equally there are some topics that I find it difficult to study because they have a heavier content. Moreover, social subjects also they make me have a hard time, to study and paying attention because I'm bored.

The teachers of this subject are many, but the best teacher is Patricia Elgueta, because she is very interactive and explicative, you can see that she knows a lot about what she's talking.

So far I feel I have learned a lot and I feel very happy about it, I've gotten good marks and I hope to continue like that. For that I will have to continue studying hard, and make an equal and even more effort.

See you.

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

Blog: 2

For now the most visited link related to my study is “Auladigital” because I don’t know any website related to my career, and well the link to my career related website is: http://www.auladigital.med.uchile.cl/

This website I meet the last year, when I started the university. In this website I can find all the information I needed about all my classes, my classmates, my marks, also about the faculty in general and information that teachers upload there, here at the university.

Also this site allows me to publish any information to my classmates, and also I can upload useful documents for my classmates. I visit this site everyday because there's always new information to check and new documents to download, and I like it a lot because is really easy to use, fast, and keep me update of everything that happens in the courses, for a example the class schedules, test and other information; Finally I like because it keeps me connected with the university and with my classmates when I'm in my home.

By now this is the most visited website, probably in a few years there will be another one, especially when I am not in the university.

jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

Blog: 1

Hello everybody, my name is Andrea Aranda, I´m studying midwifery in the university of Chile. This is my second year.

I Hope to finish my career and being an excellent profesional, In the future I would really like to help to all those couples who can’t have children.

Well the day of the earthquake I was in Viña del Mar in the apartament of a friend, this was on the 16th floor oceanview. When started the earthquake I was with my freind watching a movie, it was aproximately 3:35 am when i told her that it was tremble, since that moment every second was master. I just thought that building would fall.

After the earthquake I think being aware of the country in which we live I must be ready to face any similar situation in my professional life, also to provide the necessary support and effective.

jueves, 15 de abril de 2010