jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

Techology in the University

Five thousand years ago with the invention of writing the human race took its first jump towards a technological civilization in today's world; Technology is constantly changing and advancing at the speed of light. It is impressive to think that only a few decades ago cell phones didn’t exist, people used to communicate by phone or by other ways like letters or messages. Now cell phones are considered almost outdated. In our days we have blackberries, i-phones, etc. Now almost all the information is in the web. All the useful websites, images, programs are on the Internet.

One of things that offer technology, through computer is get information that you need for study, do a work for university. In the Universidad de Chile, know that people have access to technology, for that all information with respect to marks of exams or information with subjects, upload to internet in page of university, called "aula digital".
This is the most important in my university life, because all that I must to know is in internet, therefore technology is all in my university life.
Other thing that offer the technology is can discover new things, in my case, last year I used a lot of the microscope in Histology subject, to see our body tissues, this university has the best technology, my teachers tell me that I must to take advantage all that offer me the technology that give me university.
In this year I had to use several tecnological objects, monitors that show me echography,stethoscope, but the most important is the polygraph, which is used to measure physiological changes in rate pressure, heart rate, breathing and skin conductance.

when I came university I discovered the meaning of technology in the life of students, really is the key tool to render an optimal way in university, because give you all that you need, like information about essays, experiments, scientific studies and in all possible languages, giving information obtained in different parts of the world forming networks that serve you in your college life, but in my case the most important is that gives me the chance to see the vital signs of patients, discovering diseases and may well help people in the area of health, specifically women and newborns.

lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

My next trip...

Hi everybody! Today I would like to talk about the country that I have always wanted to visit, and that country is Italy, because I think that is a really wonderful place in Europe, one of the best in my opinion, I mean there’s a lot of historic places, also a lot of monuments, squares, restaurants, etc. And well it is obvius that I would like to travel friends so we can enjoy all the entertainment and fashion of Italy together.
Well what I know about Italy is that, people there is very
Añadir imagenpolite and friendly, also there in Italy the food is amazing (it’s one of my reasons to go there), and as I already said there I’d like to visit all the monuments, squares, museums, and restaurants as posible.
And well I just have to say that I would like to go there but only for holidays, because for me is better to visit this kind of places, that to live there because in my opinion you enjoy it a lot more that being living there and make for example the colliseum a normal thing.

Finally, I would like to go there because since I was a little girl my life had been related to this country because my mother’s family are coming from there, and we have some Italian traditions that we do on my grandpa’s place and on my own that I would like to live there because there is where they born, for example the way we share the dinners and the music.

domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010

The films of my life...

Hello, on this occasion I will talk about movies and how they affect my life. The types of films that I like to watch are romantic comedies, because they generally have a happy ending, and during the movie, there is love and laughter; what entertains me much.
I love watching movies in my house, lying in my bed and resting. But the first time I've seen the movie and when I can and I'm not tired, I like to see in the cinema, as the picture and audio quality is better.

I like the American and British films, I think it is because the movie career for quality, also have a variety of frames from which to choose what to see. Contrary to what happens with Chilean films. I think that Chilean films always have the same screen, tend to have love problems and sex scenes are the predominant, for that reason I rarely see Chilean films.

Usually, I see many movies, but very few remember the name, many of them have left me pondering and thinking for a few days, remember them "Slumdog Millionaire." It is a film with a strong social reality, where people who suffer are children; they must live things and difficult situations that usually do not realize or see in our daily lives, but unfortunately is present in many parts of the world.

lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010


“A young child’s brain can only manage to learn one language at a time”
"The myth that one has first to speak well one’s native language before learning a second language is counteracted by the studies showing that children who master two languages understand the structure of each language better and apply them in a more conscious way. Therefore, multilingualism helps foster other competences related to language. These positive effects are clearest when the second language is acquired early; a multilingual education does not lead to a delay in development. Sometimes, very young children may confuse languages but unless there is a defect in acquisition, this phenomenon later disappears".

In reading the myth immediately remembered my cousins kids, which since the birth of her parents have spoken in English and Spanish and since has 6 years beginning with a bilingual kindergarten, and then enter the school "the newland school”, where English is learned principled rather than the same Spanish. Today they speak both languages perfectly. On the other hand, I remembered a friend, the daughter of Chilean parents, but lives in France, from childhood was in contact with both languages, so now both easily mastered according to the need you have. None of these three people that I took as an example, have problems with neurological development or language, by contrast, are people who are doing excellent in school and healthy.

In the case of any confusion in relation to languages, the best example of me, because when I was a child attending a school where they teach us Italian, then I move to town, and began attending a school where he taught German, and returning to Santiago, I came to a school where he taught English, and at home they speak Spanish, therefore, with so many changes, I could never master one, and that confused me from the start.

After these examples, I can be sure that I completely disagree with the myth, I even think that learning more languages, helps develop more our brains and skills.